Home Breaking News Maria Jeanette: a rising star in Chicago Commercial Real Estate Scene

Maria Jeanette: a rising star in Chicago Commercial Real Estate Scene


From Humble beginnings to major opportunities in the real estate space, Maria Jeanette is a rockstar on the rise.

In 2016 Maria passed her real estate exam and hasn’t looked back since. She started her own brokerage, Cross Realty Group, that services Illinois and Indiana.

Black Media Daily had a chance to sit down with Maria for a brief interview;

BMD: Hello Maria let’s begin with a very transparent question. What has been some of the challenges you have faced as a black woman in real estate?

Maria Jeanette: Thanks for having me, it’s my pleasure to be here. Well, the main thing i have encountered is Sexism and having to take lower commissions to get a client’s listing just because I am not a part of the “boys club”.

Most of the rooms I am in, the people with the power don’t look like me so at times I sense adversity in the air. Once I had a situation where another agent tried to take my client in front of my face. The feeling of being treated like you’re invisible though you’re present is not pleasant. But I was taught by my mother to persevere and get through it.

BMD: Now that you are doing a lot of commercial deals in a big market like Chicago has the treatment from your peers gotten better or worse?

Maria Jeanette: Honestly the treatment has gotten worse but my responses have gotten better. When you enter a space where there are multiple generations of the same type of person and you break into their space the welcome is not warm. The good thing is you will find allies on the way that you can leverage and get the job done for your client.

BMD: The word on the street is you have a very good reputation for acquiring special clients that other brokerages are vying for their business. Why should a client go with you and not a bigger brokerage?

Maria Jeanette: I specialize in creating a boutique environment. Or a place where the client can feel like their included in every aspect of the deal. All my clients know my reputation for hard work and honesty before they contract me to service their needs.

BMD: What would you tell that young outgoing little girl from the southside of Chicago who has alot of passsion but doesn’t quite understand how to leverage her characteristics as a tool?

Maria Jeanette: I will tell her keep working, never give up on your dreams. You have to become unapologetic about winning. When we dominate a space, people sometimes feel nervous, but the right ones will see you as a professional who brings excellence to everything you do.

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